
We Get Letters — Re: Jesse Brown and WE

We Get Letters — Re: Jesse Brown and WE
by Mark Bourrie
February 26, 2024
We Get Letters — Re: Jesse Brown and WE

From a senior school administrator in Ontario:

Thank you for your recent article concerning the journalism of Canadaland, especially as it related to its articles about and against Free the Children and WE.

I am particularly concerned by what seems to be a blatant and biased attack on the organization and on its co-founders by Canadaland.

I had had the opportunity to work with Marc and Craig Kielburger and their organization for over a decade. Our schools have worked closely with Free the Children and WE for many years.

I am extremely proud of the program that we have in place in our school board, as in the past ten years more than 1500 students have had the opportunity to participate in a three Credit program, that entails more than a year in preparation, that culminates in our students fully living and immersed in community for two weeks.

Our students have been to Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, India, China, Nicaragua and Ecuador. Our students and staff have come to appreciate the incredible diversity and richness of the human family, and each returns to Canada committed to social justice and action, and improving the human condition for everyone.

I thank you for your article exposing the very poor reporting done by Canadaland. Your own research and reporting meant a lot to me because I do not want to have the efforts of my students and staff diminished, let alone the efforts of staff and founders of WE who have dedicated their lives to making a difference in our world.

Keep up the great work.

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